If you have ever been concerned about using the internet and sharing details, you are not alone. Most of the common appliances in offices and households today are capable of being connected to the internet and indirectly monitoring your usage. While this offers larger flexibility, this convenience should not compromise your privacy. If you want to know all about this and how to manage threats and continue to live securely in the cyberworld, don’t miss out on this event. Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham is organizing the first ever international conference on Security of Internet of Things, SecurIT 2012, to be held at Amrita University campuses in Kochi and Amritapuri from 16 to 19 of August, 2012.
The SecurIT 2012, international conference will provide a leading-edge, cross-functional platform for researchers, academicians, professionals and industrial experts around the world to present and explore the latest advancements and innovations in systems, applications, infrastructure, tools, test beds and foundation theories for the Security of Internet of Things. The three day conference will be hosted in the Amrita University campus in Amritapuri, in one of the most beautiful and picturesque locales of the Kerala coastal line.
The Internet of Things is a network of internet-enabled objects integrated via embedded devices, communicating with human beings as well as other devices as a distributed network. The conference focuses on the latest trends and dvancements in the security aspect of internet of things. The conference will have academicians from universities and research labs and professionals from industry verticals such as security solution companies, automobile, mobile and wireless companies etc. to participate and contribute their original work and technical papers in key areas such as s security in cloud computing, mobile networks, cyber-physical control systems, healthcare systems, etc.
The conference uses a variety of formats to enable dialogue and participation ranging from technical presentations, demos, breakout sessions and hands-on workshops and tutorials on various key subjects of interest. As part of the conference events, an exciting student contest on ethical hacking called, sCTF (SecurIT Capture The Flag) is being conducted with attractive prizes and awards for the top-runners. Eligible students are offered free accommodation and travel grants to participate in the conference.
The conference is also conducting a contest 'PitchFest' a contest for start-ups with innovative ideas on internet of things. This contest is a perfect platform to present your innovative business ideas in the field of Internet of Things. The event is being held in cooperation with Cloud Security Alliance, and Trusted Computing Group. Pitchers can present their ideas in front of the elite panel of Pitchfest comprising Top level executives from our associate partners such as, Intel Capital, Cloud Security Alliance, Trusted Computing Group and www.edventure.com. The event will also give you an ample opportunity to network with many of the C level executives and CEOs from world famous companies across the globe.
The SecurIT 2012 conference will feature keynote and invited talks by world renowned speakers such as Robert Kahn, Co-Inventor of TCP/IP protocol, Esther Dyson, Entrepreneur & Philanthropist, Gulshan Rai, Director General, Cert-In, Pranav Mehta, CTO Embedded Systems, Intel Corporation,Yuliang Zheng, Professor, Department of Software and Information Systems University of North Carolina.
The conference is co-chaired by Dr. Ross Anderson, University of Cambridge and Dr. Greg Morrisett, Harvard University. The conference is steered by world-known technocrats and computer scientists such as Dr. Andrew Tanenbaum, VU, Amsterdam, Dr. Robert Kahn, Co-inventor of TCP/IP & CEO President, CNRI, Reston Virginia; Dr. Gulshan Rai, Director General, Cert-In, Dr. John Mitchell, Professor, Stanford University & ACM Fellow, Dr. Gene Tsudik, Editor-Chief of ACM
Transactions on Information and System Security & Professor, U.C. Irvine, Dr. Prasant Mahopatra, IEEE Fellow & Professor, U. C. Davis; Dr. Sree Rajan, Director, Fujitsu Laboratories of America, Dr. Masahiro Fujita, Professor, University of Tokyo, Dr. Venkat Rangan, Amrita University.
For more information, please visit our website, http://www.securit.ws/